Instalar Adobe Flash Player Ubuntu Comandos. Para usuários do firefox ou opera você pode instalar o plug in sem instalar o google chrome no ubuntu através das etapas a seguir. Flash flash player ubuntu instalando adobe flashplayer en ubuntu estoy ejecutando ubntu 9 04 y tenía flash de adobe y el aire funcionando bien lo que significaba que tenía mi querido tweetdeck.
In this article we have learned how to download and install the flash plugin apt package from the canonical partners repository. Cómo instalar flash player en ubuntu. This animation ensures that the flash plugin is successfully installed and enabled on your ubuntu system.
En ubuntu el paquete para instalar flash player es flashplugin installer.
Sudo apt get install flashplugin installer reiniciar el navegador y confirmar que lo tenéis instalado en. In this article we have learned how to download and install the flash plugin apt package from the canonical partners repository. Sudo apt install pepperflashplugin nonfree. Cómo instalar flash player en ubuntu.